Our promise: You don't have to do STEM alone!.

Hey, I am Laura!
I am a Civil and Environmental engineer and have worked mostly in the transportation industry. I am also a mom to 2 beautiful girls, a Latina podcaster, and an entrepreneur!
Throughout my Engineering journey, I have struggled with imposter syndrome and lack of self-confidence, as well as burnout. The idea for this subscription box for women in STEM started from my personal journey and from talking to coworkers and other women in STEM. I began seeing a trend among the women already working for some years and were stressed out about project deadlines and were reaching the point of burnout, like me.
When my first daughter was born, I was able to realize that I had devoted so much of my life to my career and I allowed it to consume a lot of not just my time but of me as a person. This led me to shift and better define my priorities. I knew I still loved Engineering but I wasn't as excited about my job as when I was fresh out of college and I began to look for ways to bring back that excitement. This is when I began doing more things that I loved like bike riding, painting, and crafting and I realized the importance of balance and community.
I began to see a boom in outreach to inspire girls to pursue STEM fields, and I think that's amazing, but I still couldn't find something for women like me, already working in those STEM fields and feeling burned out!
This is when the idea for this box sparked in my mind, I love receiving things in the mail and I thought it would be fun to receive items that would remind me to relax and take care of myself and to have a community of women that understood how I felt and that shared the commonalities of being in STEM. I knew I couldn't be the only one feeling this way and that moved me to create this community. I hope you will join me on this journey because we are stronger together!
The purpose behind this box.
My goal is to motivate women to take care of themselves, be and celebrate their authentic selves and feel supported through a community that will cheer them on and help them grow!

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